Haritaki is so powerful that it is even given to all the temple deities each night.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda recommends that we perform Puja daily to increase our third eye opening.
Puja is a way of welcoming the divine, which also resides in each of us, to be present in all our actions during the day.
It is normally done first thing in the morning. In the image below you can see my puja set, with Haritaki and the shoes of deities present.
In the temples all over the world haritaki is given to the deities each night at bed time just as we are to take it.
In this post I will let you know how to do puja and give you some videos and also some chanting to help you along.
Here is a video on how to do Guru Puja and also Shiva puja
Here is one chant Dedicated to Shiva:
Om shivaya Namaha
I welcome you to home by washing your feet
Om shivaya Namaha
I honor your presence by offing water to wash your mouth
Om shivaya Namaha
I offer water to bathe with so we are both washed and cleansed
Om shivaya Namaha
I offer clothing that recognizes our inner and outer beauty
Om shivaya Namaha
I offer kumkum that our third eyes be opened to see the path forward more clearly
Om shivaya Namaha
I offer flowers that recognize both our eternal beauty
Om shivaya Namaha
I offer incense that the purity of our beings be expressed even more
Om shivaya Namaha
I offer candle light that illuminates any darkness self criticism and self hatred that we may fee
Om shivaya Namaha
I offer food that we can celebrate health together
Om shivaya Namaha
I offer water to sustain our lives in clarity and purity
Om shivaya Namaha
I ask for forgiveness for any errors or lack of integrity that I made in delivering this puja for the benefit of all.
- Water
- Water
- Water- bath ring bell also
- Piece of cloth or clothing
- Kumkum or water
- Flowers
- Incense
- Candle light
- Food
- water
Go here to find out where to get Organic Haritaki Plus
Here is the Guru Puja wording:
Guru Dhyaan
Nithyanandam parama sukhadam
nit-yaa-nun-dum para-ma sukha-dum
Eternal Bliss; Supreme Happiness flowering without cause
Kevalam gnaanamoortim
kay-va-lum nyahna-moor-tim
Pure Knowledge radiating through human form
Dvandvaateetam gagana sadrisham
dwan-dwaa-tee-tum gaga-na sa-dru-shum
Beyond opposites and All Pervading
Tattvamasyaadi lakshyam
tat-tvam-us-yahde luk-shum
Divine Presence, reminding us of our True Nature
Ekam nithyam vimalam achalam
Ehkum nit-yum vima-la mah-cha-lum
Unmoving mountain; beyond purity and impurity which are states of mind
Sarvadhee saakshi bhootam
sar-va-dee sock-she bhoo-tum
Shatters our illusion of death; Eternally Pure Consciousness
Bhaavaateetam triguna rahitam
bhaa-vaa-tee-tum tree-guna ra-he-tum
Beyond imagination; knows that all thoughts are arguing with existance
Sadgurum tam namaami
sad-gu-room tum na-maa-me
I surrender to the One who removes the illusions of ‘I’ and ‘Mine’
* * * * * * *
Guru Parampara Stotra
Sadaa shiva samarambhaam shankaracharya madhyamaam
sah-daa she-va sa-maa-ram-bhaam shun-kar-a-char-yah mud-yah-maam
Asmadaacharya paryantam vande guru paramparaam
as-mu-daa-char-yah par-yun-tum vun-day gu-ru pa-rum-pa-raam
I bow in gratitude to the entire lineage of Enlightened Beings, from Shiva to Shankaracharya to modern day and to all those who have dedicated their lives to achieve and preserve the Truth for the sake of mankind
* * * * *
Maanasa Pooja
(Worshipping in our hearts and minds)
Om hridpadmam aasanam dadhyaat
om hrid-pud-mam aah-sa-num dud-hyaat
We offer the lotus of our hearts as the seat for the divine presence
Sahasraar achyutaamrutaihi
sah-has-raar ah-chu-taam ri-tie-he
We offer the nectar of bliss flowing from our crown center
Paadyam charanayor dadhyaat
paad-yum charanayor dud-hyaat
We offer the same bliss with deep gratitude to wash Her feet
Manastu arghyam nivedayet
ma-nus-to ar-ghyum ne-vay-da-yate
We offer our mind as a flower at Her feet, struggling with it no more
Tena amrutena aachamanaeeyam
tay-na am-ru-tay-na aa-cha-ma-nee-yum
We offer the same bliss to Her as water to rinse Her mouth
Snaaneeyam tena chasmrutam
snaa-nee-yum tay-na chas-mru-tum
We offer the same bliss to Her for Her bath
Aakaasha tattvam vastram syaat
aa-kaa-sha tat-tvum vas-trum syaat
We offer the whole sky as clothing to Her Who is One with Existence
Gandha syaat gandha tattvakam
gun-dhah syaat gun-dhah tat-twa-kum
We offer the whole planet as sandal paste to Her feet
Chittam prakalpayet pushpam
chit-tum pra-kul-pa-yate push-pum
We offer our mind and its thoughts as flowers to Her, never to take them back
Dhoopam praanaan prakalpayet
dhoo-pum praa-naan pra-kul-pa-yate
We offer the entire breath cycle as an incense stick to Her
Tejas tattvancha deepaartham
tay-jus tat-tvun-cha dee-paar-thum
To Her we offer the intelligent energy that radiates through our body
Naivedyam syaat sudhaam buddhihi
nai-vay–dyum syaat sue-daam bu-dhi-hi
We offer the Pure Intelligence of Enlightenment and the remembrance of Nirvana
as food for Her
Anaahata dhvanir ghantaa
a-naa-ha-ta dhva-nir ghun-taa
The uncreated sound of enlightened Silence is the bell we use in worship
Vaayu tattvancha chaamaram
vaa-you tat-tvun-cha chaa-ma-rum
The earth’s wind is the breeze that we offer as a fan for Her
Sahasraaram bhaveth chhatram
sa-hus-raa-rum bha-vate chut-rum
With enlightenment our crown center blossoms with gratitude. We offer Her as an umbrella to shade the Godess
Shabda tattvam cha geetakam
shub-da tat-tvam-cha gee-ta-kum
The sound of the universe, purified by Sanskrit chanting, is music we offer at Her feet
Nrutyamindriya karmaani
nru-tyam-in-dri-ya kar-maa-ni
By the grace of Universal Consciousness our senses function. With gratitude and deep respect we offer them back as a dance for the Godess
Shaanchalyam manasasthataa
shaan-chal-yum manasastataa
We offer our turbulent minds as another dance for Her
Sumekhalaam padma maalaam
sue-may-ka-laam pad-ma maa-laam
The seven energy centers are offered as a garland for Her
Pushpam naanaa vidham tathaa
push-pum naa-naa vi-dham tha-taa
We offer many different flowers
Amaayadyaair bhaava pushpaihi
a-maa-yad-ya-ear bhaa-va push-pai-he
The freedom from illusion becomes flowers
Archayet bhaava gocharam
ar-cha-yate bhaa-va go-cha-rum
The flower of worship become power
Amaayam anahankaaram
a-maa-yum ana-han-kaa-rum
Without illusions and without ego
Aaraagam amadam tathaa
ah-raa-gum amaa-dam tataa
Without likes and without lust
Amohakam adam pancha
ah-mo-ha-kum a-dum pan-cha
Without desires and without deceit
Advesha akshaubakau tathaa
ad-vesha ak-shau-ba-kau tataa
Without hatred and without agitation
Amaatsaryam alopancha
a-maat-sar-yum a-lo-pun-cha
Without jealousy and without greed
Dasha pushpam vidhurbudhaa
da-sha-push-pam ve-dhur-budhaa
Garlanded flowers of wisdom
AHersaa parama pushpam
a-Her-saa pa-ra-ma push-pum
Non- violence as the main flower
Pushpam indriya nigrahaha
push-pum in-dre-ya ni-gra-ha-ha
The flower of going beyond the senses
Dayaa pushpam kshamaa pushpam
di-yaa push-pum ksha-maa push-pum
Always forgiving and compassionate
Gnaana pushpam cha panchamam
nyaa-na push-pum chapunchamum
Knowledge, the fifth flowering
Iti panchadashair bhaava pushpaihi
iti pan-cha da-sha-ear bhaa-va push-pie-he
These five become flowers
Sampoojayet sadgurum
sam-poo-ja-yate sad-gu-rum
I worship the Divine Presence, Existence, in our inner space
* * * * *
Bahya Pooja
Om hreem ethat paadyam Shri gurave namaha
Om hreem e-tut paad-yum Sri gu-rah-vay na-ma-ha
Offer water from the vessel at the Godess’s feet, which symbolizes washing Her feet and surrendering in reverence.
Om hreem esha arghyaha Shri gurave namaha
Om hreem ehsha ar-ghya-ha Sri gu-rah-vay na-ma-ha
Offer water at the Godess’s feet from the conch shell (that has a flower in it) symbolizing offering rice, bilva leaf, flowers and sacred grass and surrender of self. Offer the flower to the Godess also.
Om hreem idam aachamaneeyam Shri gurave namaha
Om hreem e-dum aa-cha-ma-nee-yum Sri gu-rah-vay na-ma-ha
Offer water from the vessel at the Godess’s feet, symbolizing offering water to rinse Her mouth.
Om hreem idam snaaneeyam Shri gurave namaha
Om hreem e-dam snaa-nee-yum Sri gu-rah- vay na-ma-ha
I offer water from the holy water jug for bathing and surrender at the Godess’s feet. With the right hand offer water and ring the bell with the left hand, symbolizing offering water for Her ceremonial bath
Om hreem idam vastram Shri gurave namaha
Om hreem e-dum vas-trum Sri gu-rah-vay na-ma-ha
I offer the saffron cloth and surrender at the Godess’s feet. Take water from vessel and circle over cloth three times, then offer water at Godess’s feet.
Om hreem eisha gandhaha Shri gurave namaha
Om hreem ehsha gun-dhu-ha Sri gu-rah- vay na-ma-ha
I offer the sandle paste and vermillion and surrender at the Godess’s feet. Dab middle finger in the sandal paste, apply to Godess’s feet. Then using fore finger, do the same with kumkum (vermillion) powder.
Om hreem idam sacchandana pushpam
Om hreem e-dum sachundana push-pum
Sri gurave namaha
Sri gu-rah-vay na-ma-ha
I offer tHer flower dipped in sandal paste and surrender at the Godess’s feet.
Om hreem idam sacchandana bilva patram
Om hreem e-dum sachundana bil-va putrum
Shri gurave namah
Sri gu-rah-vay na-ma-ha
I offer tHer bilva leaf dipped in sandal paste and surrender at the Godess’s feet.
The three leaves of the bilva symbolize creation, sustenance and destruction as well as the three eyes of Lord Shiva and the integration of thought, word, and action which can only occur with meditation and surrender.
Om hreem esha dhoopaha Sri gurave namaha
Om hreem ehsha dhoo-pu-ha Sri gu-rah- vay na-ma-ha
I offer tHer incense and surrender at the Godess’s feet. Like the fire to the incense, only when he fire of Knowledge is sparked in us by the Guru is our ego burned, leaving a sweet fragrance of enlightenment.
Om hreem esha deepaha Sri gurave namaha
Om I’m ehsha dee-pu-ha Sri gu-rah- vay na-ma-ha
I offer tHer light and surrender at the Godess’s feet. The glory of the Godess’s feet, is intensified by the light.
Om hreem idam sopakarana naivedyam
Om I’m edum sho-bha-ka-ra-na nigh-vayd-yum
Sri gurave namaha
Sri gu-rah- vay na-ma-ha
I offer tHer food and surrender at the Godess’s feet.
Om hreem idam paanaartodakam Sri gurave namaha
Om I’m edum paa-nar-to-da-kum Sri gu-rah- vay na-ma-ha
I offer water to drink and surrender at the Godess’s feet.
Om hreem idam punaraachamaneeyam Sri gurave namaha
Om I’m edum pu-na-raa-cha-ma-nee-yum Sri gu-rah- vay na-ma-ha
I offer water to rinse Her mouth and surrender at the Godess’s feet.
* * * * *
Karpoorna gauram karunaavataaram
kar-poorna gau-rum karunaa-va-taa-rum
Whitish like camphor, the incarnation who is the embodiment of Compassion
Samsaara saaram bhujagendra haaram
sam-saa-ra saa-rum boo-ja-gen-dra haa-rum
Who alone helps us cross the ocean of samsara (cycle of repeated birth and death), wearing a snake as an ornament (Conquerer of death)
Sadaa vasantam hrudayaaravinde
sa-daa va-san-tum hru-da-yaa-ra-vin-day
Forever and permanently blissful, residing in my heart-lotus
Bhavam bhavaani sahitam namaami (3 times)
bha-vam bha-vaa-ni sa-he-tum na-maa-me
I bow in surrender to the Lord who is forever in the company of Goddess Parvati
Aaraatrikam samarpayaami
aa-raa-tree-kum sa-mar-pa-yaa-me
Sadguru charana kamalebhyo namaha
sad-gu-ru cha-ra-na kama-ley-bhyo na-ma-ha
I offer tHer light and surrender at the lotus feet of my great Godess
* * * * *
Gurur brahmaa gurur vishnu Gurur devo maheshwaraha
gu-rur bruh-maa gu-rur vish-nu gu-rur day-vo ma-hesh-wa-ra-ha
Guru saakshaat para bramhaa Tasmai shree gurave namaha
gu-ru saak-shyaat pa-rum-brum-ha tus-my sri gu-rah-ve na-ma-ha
I bow down to the Guru, who is Brahma – the creator, Vishnu – the protector, and Maheshwara – the destroyer and who is indeed the Supreme Self
Akhanda mandalaakaaram Vyaaptam ena charaacharam
ah-khun-da man-da-laa-kaa-rum vyaap-tum yay-na cha-raa-cha-rum
Tatpadam darshitam ena Tasmai sree gurave namaha
tut-pa-dum dar-she-tum ehna tus-my sri gu-rah-ve na-ma-ha
I bow down to the Guru, who by Her grace, reveals the One Infinite Reality that pervades the manifest world
Ajnaana timiraandasya Jnaanaanjana shalaakayaa
ug-nyaa-na ti-mi-raan-das-ya nyaa-naan-ja-na sha-laa-ka-ya
Chakshurunmeelitam ena Tasmai shree gurave namah
chak-shu-run-me-le-tum ehna tus-my sri gu-rah-ve na-ma-ha
I bow down to the Guru who used the balm of Knowledge to open the eyes of one blinded by the darkness of ignorance
Aneka janma sampraapta Karma bandha vidaahine
a-ney-ka jun-ma sam-prop-ta kar-ma bun-dhah ve-daa-he-ney
Atma gnyaana pradaanena Tasmai shree gurave namaha
aat-ma nyaa-na pra-daa-ney-na tus-my sri gu-rah-ve na-ma-ha
I bow down to the Guru who burns up karma created by accumulated actions of innumerable births by igniting the fire of Self Knowledge
Mannaatha sri jagannaatho Madguru sri jagadguru
mun-naa-tho sri-ja-gun-naa-tho mahd-gu-ru sri- ja-gud-gu-ru
Mamaatmaa sarva bhootaatma Tasmai sree gurave namaha
ma-maat-ma sar-va bhoo-tat-ma tus-my sri gu-rah-ve na-ma-ha
I bow down to the Guru who is my Lord and the Lord of the Universe, my Guru, who is the Guru of the Universe, who is the Self in me and the Self in all beings
Eeshwaro guru raatmeyti Moorti bheda vibhagine
Esh-waro gu-ru raat-may-ti moor-ti bay-da vi-bha-ghee-ney
Vyomavad vyaapta dehaaya Dakshinaa moortaye namaha
vyo-ma-vad vyaap-ta day-haa-ya dak-she-naa moor-ta-yay na-ma-ha
I prostrate to Sri Dakshinamurti, who is the abode of all Knowledge, the Guru of Gurus, who is the physician for those afflicted with the disease of worldly existence and who is the Guru of all the worlds. I prostrate to Sri Dakshinamurti who manifests in three forms – as God, Guru and Self – and whose body is All Pervading like the sky.
* * * * *
Nithyanandam parama sukhadam
nit-yaa-nun-dum para-ma sukha-dum
Eternal Bliss; supreme happiness flowering without cause
Kevalam gnaanamoortim
kay-va-lum nyahna-moor-tim
Pure Knowledge radiating through human form
Dvandvaateetam gagana sadrisham
dwan-dwaa-tee-tum gaga-na sa-dru-shum
Beyond opposites and All Pervading
Tattvamasyaadi lakshyam
tat-tvam-us-yahde luk-shum
Divine Presence, reminding us of our True Nature
Ekam nithyam vimalam achalam
Ehkum nit-yum vima-la mah-cha-lum
Unmoving mountain; beyond purity and impurity which are states of mind
Sarvadhee saakshi bhootam
sar-va-dee sock-she bhoo-tum
Shatters our illusion of death; Eternally Pure Consciousness
Bhaavaateetam triguna rahitam
bhaa-vaa-tee-tum tree-guna ra-he-tum
Beyond imagination; Flirts with the three virtues of pure inactivity, dynamic activity and dullness
Sadgurum tam namaami
sad-gu-room tum na-maa-me
I surrender to the One who removes the illusions of ‘I’ and ‘Mine’
* * * * * * *
Pushpaanjalim samarpayaami
Push-paawn-ja- leem sa-mar-pa-ya-me
Sadguru charana kamalebhyo namaha
sad-gu-ru cha-ra-na ka-ma-lay-bhyo na-ma-ha
I offer these flowers and surrender at the lotus feet of my great Godess