The best books on Haritaki that I have found to date!
In my research on Haritaki I am finding some great resources. I want to share with you the best books on Haritaki that I have found so far, and will add to this list as I discover more.
1. Myrobalan :The Elixir of life in the hands of the Medicine Buddha.
This book, written by the German author Udo Stanglmeier is a very detailed and well researched insight into the history of the use of Haritaki through the Buddhist lineage, especially the connection between the Medicine Buddha and Haritaki. His material also looks at the ancient documentation about Haritaki in India, China and South East Asia. He shows the interlinking of the myths and teachings from tradition to tradition, and identifies the underlying themes that are present through all.
Stanglmeier begins the book with the myths relating to the Amrita or Nectar of the gods that are found in Vedic literature from the Hindu tradition, and similar stories from Buddhism.
The book then goes into great depth about the Buddhist use of Haritaki and its mythological properties. He points out that in Tibet Haritaki was used in almost all medicines as one of the components. Because of the remoteness and lack of trees in Tibet the usual ways herbal medicines were made and administered was in large pill form. Haritaki is not common in Tibet and so the Haritaki powder would be transported from India into Tibet for use in the pills.
Stanglmeier explains in the book the importance Haritaki in the modern context. He points out that more scientists are discovering that there is a deeper importance to the use of many of the traditional herbs. He explains that the ancient seers noticed many more benefits than the modern scientific approach reveals.
2. The Caraka Samhita, Ayurvedic ancient text and Haritaki
Amongst the Best books on Haritaki, this ancient text, which it is believed was created 800 years before Christ, is one of the core Ayurveda texts.It has 12 chapters that deal with the preparation of medicines for healing.
He says about Haritaki “There are two kinds of medicine, one which strengthens and one which combats disease. Amondt the types that strenthen, Haritaki takes pre-eminence.
Haritaki is described as being the best remedy for the following:
- Good for the senses and strengthens the intellect
- Indigestion
- constipation
- swelling of the liver and spleen
- coughs
- hiccups
- anemia
- jaundice
- asthma
- diseases of the urinary tract.
This book has immense wisdom, not just about Haritaki, but about the nature of healing and the causes of disease. For a book that was first created so long ago it is remarkable.
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British born explorer, Martyn S. Williams, is a well-known expedition leader to some of the world’s most remote locations, is a human potential public speaker, and a teacher of enlightened living.
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